5 Webcam Safety Tips Every One Should Know

Since children spend a large part of their time on the Internet, parents need to know how to keep their children safe. If your child uses a webcam, or you have a webcam on your family computer, here are five webcam safety tips to keep in mind.
1. Use Antivirus Software
You can use antivirus software to protect your computer from hackers and keep your webcam off-limits. If you don’t have a program installed, this is the first thing to do. You can find free versions of antivirus software, but paid packages usually offer the most protection.
2. Cover the Webcam
If your child doesn’t use the webcam, it’s best to keep it covered. You can find webcams that have a plastic cover, or you can glue something over the webcam. If you do not use the webcam frequently, store it unplugged to reduce the risk of being hacked.
3. Secure your Wi-Fi
Hackers can also access your webcam over an unsecured Wi-Fi connection. Ensure your network is secure, and you cannot easily guess your Wi-Fi password. If your children use public networks with your webcam, make sure they understand the risks involved. If possible, keep the webcam at home on a secure network. You can also install a VPN, which can increase security.
4. Avoid Suspicious Downloads or Links.
It would help if you taught your kids to avoid suspicious downloads or links. If you see something fishy, don’t open the link. Tell your kids to check with you before downloading anything or going to any website they don’t know about. These links can also appear in emails, so if they have access to their email, make sure you have parental control over it.
5. The Danger of Strangers
Teach your children the importance of never giving personal information to anyone they don’t know. They may already be aware of this in the real world, but do they understand that a stranger could pose as a boy his age and pretend to be his friend? Encourage them to make friends in your online games if it’s something they enjoy, but don’t give out any personal information like their first name, last name, location, age, or what school they go to.
How Can Webcams be Hacked?
Following these security tips helps understand what hackers can do with a webcam. Malware can be downloaded and attached to the software of the webcam device, allowing a hacker to transmit the video and sound of the child from it.
Don’t let this scare you, though, as webcams are a great addition to your computer, and your kids can use them to make video calls to their friends and family and play online games. They may even want to create their streaming channel.