AI and Accessibility: 7 Innovative Ways to Improve User Access

There are many different disabilities, including impaired vision, motor skills, and cognitive abilities. Each has its own challenges for the individual in question, making digital accessibility a very complex area that must be addressed on several levels.
Working methodically with digital accessibility adaptation requires a lot of time and resources. AI can process large amounts of data in a short time with high precision. There are several areas where this would be of great help. Those working with accessibility would avoid many time-consuming tasks that require great accuracy. This way, they could focus on things that require a human.
Here are 7 different ways in which AI tools can be used in accessibility work, or most likely will be when the technology is mature:
1. Automatic Transcription and Subtitling (Speech-to-text)
Captioning videos is important for users with hearing impairments. However, transcribing is time-consuming if done manually. With AI-powered speech recognition and language management, this can be automated. The technology can also be used for translation, thus removing language barriers.
2. Image Recognition (Image to Text)
AI can be used to provide more accurate and relevant descriptions of images and other visual content. This would be very helpful for users with visual impairments.
3. Smart Facial Recognition
For users with motor impairments, keystroke logging can be a challenge. Logging into a digital device usually requires authentication with a PIN or password. With the help of AI, smart facial recognition could be used instead. This would solve the accessibility problems of input-based methods.
The same goes for the CAPTCHA function, which is inaccessible to many users. It could also be replaced with this technology.
4. Automated Testing and Scanning
Testing digital accessibility is a complex and time-consuming process. The same goes for staying up to date with regulations and recommendations. AI could be used to identify problems and suggest solutions.

5. Improve Code
AI could also be used to improve code directly on a web page. Under human review, it should be added. For example, they could optimize code for keyboard navigation and screen readers.
6. Lip Reading (Lip Movements to Text)
Automated lip-reading algorithms are very similar to speech recognition algorithms and can be very helpful for users with hearing loss. The technology is well underway but needs to be developed to become more reliable.
7. Personalization
Most websites today are developed for users without disabilities. The idea behind personalization is that content and functionality can be individually adapted to the specific user’s needs. This can include font size, contrast, colors, navigation, or how the content is presented on a cognitive level. AI could be used in several different ways:
Analyze data and understand the limitations and needs of different disabilities
Develop models for how the content should look and be displayed. Analyze individual users to understand which personalization suits them best.