Strategies to Attract and Retain Customers to Increase Sales

Do you want to increase your client portfolio this 2024 and also get them to repeat? In this article, we present the strategies to attract and retain customers that can bring you the best results this year so you can include them in your marketing strategy.

Don’t forget that strategies to attract customers are just as important as loyalty strategies for a company’s success. Complementing them will be the key to your business’s prosperity since, on the one hand, customer acquisition is crucial to increasing sales and remaining competitive, and loyalty is very useful to reduce costs, increase profits, and strengthen business reputation. Let’s start!

1. Trust People-Led Marketing to attract and retain customers

People-led marketing is a strategy focused on responding to each client’s needs using the latest marketing trends and always putting people at the centre of communication. This methodology’s objectives are to improve the brand’s visibility, boost the reach of its actions, and enhance conversions.

Specifically, the People-Led Marketing strategy revolves around four main axes:

  • Content: High-quality content in different formats is needed to capture customer attention and build brand recognition.
  • Data: It is essential to record and store as much data as possible from customer interactions with our brand. This allows us to identify patterns that will help us better detect the needs of our target audience and, in turn, perform better segmentation and greater personalization in communication.
  • Technology: The third leg of People-Led Marketing involves using tools that support and facilitate our actions, such as automation and integration tools.
  • Media: Finally, you have to choose the channels to disseminate the content (both organic and paid) so that they have the broadest possible reach and generate as many interactions as possible.

2. Practice value-based selling

Sales based on providing value involve the selling teams guiding the client throughout the sales cycle, acting as a kind of guide for them.

In this strategy that puts customers at the centre, sales teams have the mission of providing leads with all the possible information so that they can make the best decision according to their circumstances.

Unlike other more traditional sales methodologies, sales based on providing value avoid pressuring the customer to buy or spend money and treat them more maturely. In 2024, consumers are tired of companies seeing them simply as figures from whom they can only take cash and are looking for a different deal. That is why sales based on providing value have proven effective these times within strategies to attract customers.

The bases of value-based selling are:

  • Speak to the client sincerely and do not recommend something that we would not do.
  • Give examples based on your own experience.
  • Adopt more educational communication and do not put the product at the centre of the message.
  • Talk about your product or service at the end of the speech, and wait to launch sales arguments hastily when the client is still prepared.

3. Implement an Allbound strategy

Allbound sales and marketing strategies integrate outbound and inbound marketing techniques to attract and retain customers.

Outbound marketing or traditional marketing is characterized by putting into practice straightforward actions when attracting and retaining customers. In that sense, we find cold calls or advertising posters.

Inbound marketing, conversely, is based on providing valuable information more indirectly and organically.

At first, outbound marketing was the star strategy used by brands (now a minority) to attract and retain customers. Then, inbound marketing took over, which is still widely used. Later, however, allbound strategies emerged to combine the best of both worlds and thus achieve better recruitment and loyalty results.

And both outbound and inbound strategies have their benefits:

  • Outbound marketing and sales strategies are ideal for speeding up ROI (return on investment) and determining more quickly whether the actions that have been implemented are practical.
  • Inbound marketing and sales strategies, for their part, allow the company to achieve a high level of authority within its sector,  build customer loyalty with tremendous success, and not depend so much on payment channels.

4. Commit to advanced content generation to attract and retain customers

Advanced content generation relies on artificial intelligence tools or tools, with this technology incorporated to generate content of all types.

In 2024, Artificial Intelligence tools will undergo many improvements, making them even more useful for companies. AI tools can help us create content in all formats, including text, video, music, and images. They are also interesting sources to consult if we want inspiration or ideas on attracting or retaining clients.

In 2024, any content creator or strategist who does not use AI in their work will limit their potential.

5. Try new advertising formats

Google Ads, Facebook Ads, X Ads, TikTok Ads, LinkedIn Ads… All the advertising tools of the different online platforms launch new advertising formats or functionalities every year. The best recommendation we can give you if you want to be at the forefront in your sector and enhance your strategies to attract customers and retain them is to be up to date with their latest news.

For example, this 2024 Facebook ad launched its videos on full screen with new commands. Google Ads has implemented accurate models so users can see how clothes look on bodies similarly.

Following advertising agency blogs or online marketing magazines is an excellent way to stay informed about what’s new and ensure you catch everything. We recommend you subscribe to the one that interests you the most or follow its publications closely.

6. Get into gamification, one of the best ideas to attract customers in 2024

Gamification is a marketing strategy that involves introducing the dynamics and mechanics typical of games into the content and actions the company generates to make them more attractive to the user.

Including gamification elements in our actions makes users more receptive and increases the chances of their response.

Using quizzes in Instagram Stories is a form of marketing gamification that makes user interaction with the brand fun and exciting.

7. Measure the satisfaction of your customers with the NPS

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an exciting metric for measuring consumer satisfaction and determining whether our retention strategies need any change. Specifically, the NPS analyzes the probability that a customer will recommend your brand.

To calculate the NPS, we must first know how many of our clients are promoters (they would recommend the brand) and how many are detractors (they would not recommend it), ignoring those who are passive clients or undecided. One way to find out is by asking users directly through a survey.

Once we have the percentage, for example, 40% of the respondents are detractors, and 50% are promoters, we would have to subtract 50-40, giving a total of 10. In this case, the NPS would be 10.

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