Why is UX (User Experience) Important in Digital Marketing?

Why is UX (User Experience) Important in Digital Marketing?

User experience is a term that refers to the experience that the user has when interacting with a system, which can be a web page, an application, a program, etc.

You’ve probably heard the term UX (short for user experience) many times. In this article, we want to explain why it’s essential to improve it in the digital marketing sector.

Why take care of UX in digital marketing?

Taking care of the user experience has become imperative for brands today. This is because digital channels are the main channels of contact between users and brands. In this sense, offering a positive user experience will mean:

  • Increase customer satisfaction: A good user experience translates into happy users, which can mean an increase in the loyalty rate and more brand recommendations.
  • Higher conversion rates: If a site is optimized to offer a good user experience, there is a greater chance that users will find what they are looking for and end up buying it. In that sense, when we talk about mobile applications or programs that offer a service, if they provide a positive UX, users will want to use them more frequently.
  • Differentiate yourself from the competition: In an increasingly competitive market, offering users a better experience than the rest is undoubtedly a competitive advantage that can bring you more customers.
  • Cost reduction: Although developing a good user experience requires investing resources and time, it should be seen as something that will allow us to save in the medium to long term since we will avoid many calls to customer service, as well as product returns.

How to improve the user experience on a website

1. Create a clear and intuitive design

To achieve a design that makes the user experience as easy as possible, it is essential to create a concise menu that really helps the public to move around the website and find the information they are looking for. In this sense, hamburger menus are one of the best alternatives due to their simplicity.

On the other hand, avoid elements that may distract the user from finding what they are looking for or that hinder the customer’s journey. Remember that although an idea may look good and attractive at the design level if it needs clarification when put into practice, it is best not to apply it.

2. Implement UX Writing techniques

UX Writing is the type of writing that focuses on thinking about and writing the texts and words that users will see when using any digital product, such as a website or an application.

Nowadays, there are many professionals who are dedicated exclusively to this practice with the aim of helping users find what they are looking for with clear instructions and in the shortest possible way when faced with a digital environment. It is exciting to have them when developing a website if it is going to be essential in your sales process since you will be able to significantly improve the user experience and, therefore, convert more customers.

3. Add useful and valuable content

For UX to be positive, the user must not only be appropriately guided through the website but also find valuable information that is useful to them. For this reason, it is essential to include content on the website that the user is interested in, such as the prices of your services, a blog section that goes into depth on topics in the sector, or a FAQ section that answers the most common questions from users.

4. Optimize loading speed

This is undoubtedly a critical point. If a user enters a website, it loads very slowly. Each button they click takes a long time to open the following page; they usually abandon your website.

To make your page load faster, we recommend the following:

  1. Compress images to reduce their size.
  2. Remove unnecessary code and plugins.
  3. Have a hosting or server with a good loading speed.
  4. Use tools like Google PageSpeed ​​Insights to find out how fast your website loads and analyze where it is failing.

5. Work on personalization

Personalization of a website is about offering users content tailored to their interests. And, of course, this will also improve your UX as they will find information that interests them effortlessly on the website. In this sense, you can make suggestions for products, services or content based on their history.

6. Make your website as accessible as possible

The term “ accessible website ” has to be understood in two ways. On the one hand, it is important to ensure that our website is accessible to all people regardless of their abilities. 

To do this, you can make sure that the colour contrast guarantees that the text can be read quickly or that the font size is large enough.

On the other hand, an accessible website is also one that adapts to any device; that is, it has a responsive design.



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